Our mission is more than just performance

Helping recovering patients and athletes

Improve mobility, coordination and responsiveness with targeted exercises, optimizing patient recovery.

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healthcare professionals looking for tools to perfect rehabilitation and motor skills training (physiotherapists, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists)

Improved physical rehabilitation

In the field of physical rehabilitation, the E-Cone is proving to be an invaluable tool in helping convalescing patients and athletes achieve a complete and optimal recovery. By promoting physical and cognitive rehabilitation, E-Cones help to improve the coordination, balance and motor skills of convalescing individuals. Thanks to its targeted exercises and ability to stimulate different muscle groups, the E-Cone helps to gradually restore physical functionality, enabling patients to regain their mobility and autonomy.

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Preventing age-related cognitive decline

E-Cone plays an essential role in preventing age-related cognitive decline. By promoting the maintenance of neuronal connections and actively stimulating specific brain regions, it helps to maintain and strengthen individuals' mental capacities. This proactive approach to rehabilitation reduces the risk of cognitive deterioration and promotes a more complete overall recovery.

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Restoring cognitive functions

E-Cone offers a unique opportunity to restore cognitive functions impaired by injury or disease. By offering exercises specifically designed to stimulate mental abilities such as memory, attention and decision-making, it helps patients rebuild damaged neural pathways and regain their faculties. This integrated approach to physical rehabilitation offers an effective way of putting people's health and well-being back at the heart of society's concerns, while giving them the tools they need to regain an optimal quality of life.

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Successful rehabilitation stories

Laure Pequenot

Physiotherapist, former alpine ski champion

The development of cognitive skills is crucial to performance. Using Drilllight helps develop attention, decision-making, coordination and reactivity. Easy to use, it's an innovative training complement!

I use E-Cones on a daily basis with my patients, particularly in neurological rehabilitation. I've found that E-Cones are particularly useful for improving patients' concentration, flexibility and adaptation, as they find them particularly stimulating. The instructions are very clear and precise, making them very easy for the patient to learn.

What's more, patients love the fact that they can do their rehabilitation exercises like a game, so they're more assiduous and diligent. In the end, this really improves results. Thanks to the E-Cone, effective time will increase (30 minutes of rehabilitation results in 5 minutes of effective work).

They trust us


Professional opinion

  • The E-Cone disrupted my concentration during the exercises I normally do. It required me to redouble my efforts and vigilance, and to adapt. It wasn't easy, but I had a lot of fun. It changes everything, it's exciting!

    Patient in rehabilitation phase

    I have a lot of fun with the E-Cones. I like doing exercises with them because the lights are pretty and it's fun not knowing how they're going to light up.

    U7 Ice Hockey Player

    Drilllight can be used to diversify both tactical and physical training. The E-cone works with visual and audible signals, color modes and random signals for fast, intuitive decision-making.

    Yoann Brunet
    Sports coach, physical trainer, Pilates teacher, adapted physical activity instructor.